
What’s Going On?

A Message from the PY23 Chapter President

PY23 President's Letter

I am very excited to have the opportunity to serve as the President for the Program Year 2023 (PY23). As we begin a new program year (July-June), it seems like a great time to reflect on what we’d like to accomplish and the plans we have for an exciting Fall 2022 and into 2023.

As I see it we have two main goals: supporting the professional development of people in contract management throughout their careers and providing better business outcomes to corporations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies through our professionals. 

We have so many great people and so many opportunities to work collaboratively to grow the Gateway Chapter.

We have several goals that we will be working to achieve this year:

  • Recruitment: We plan to recruit and attract new members from a variety of industries. We believe this will aid in increasing our chapter's diversity (age, gender, and ethnicity & industry types). Plan and create fun seasonal events that help market our Chapter and recruit new members.

  • Encourage members to: Participate in Chapter meetings. Join an ad hoc committee to help formulate a new, updated member orientation program and to join a core group of new members to act as greeters at each meeting.

  • Education and outreach: To offer Webinars that focus on relevant topics

      • Topics focused on speakers and presentations to the Chapter.

      • Earning CPE credits

      • Work with the faculty and staff at area universities and colleges to continue the development of students in Contract Management programs.

  • Networking: Provide multiple new exciting Chapter events that engage all members and provide a positive impact.

  • Plan a major event that supports and raises valuable dollars for local charities.

As we continue strive towards greatness, please help pledge your support to positively impact the St. Louis Gateway Chapter. Together, we can make a difference! Thank you for contributing your Time, Talent & Treasure to our mission! I look forward to collaborating with you to leverage new opportunities that increase membership and growth for the Contracts Management profession.


Carolyn Brasfield

NCMA St. Louis Gateway President PY2023